Monday, June 11, 2007

Happy Anniversary!

Yesterday, my wife and I celebrated our pastoral anniversary. Though this is our 3rd year serving as pastor of Kingdom Harvest Church, this was our first actual anniversary celebration. It was a conscious decision to make sure KHC was well established before we ever allowed anyone to celebrate us. Ministry is first!

As my wife and I sat in those two special chairs reserved for us, listened to wonderful accolades from both laity and our peers in ministry, and received encouragement through the preached Word, I have to confess that I was a bit uncomfortable. Without a doubt, I appreciate the words spoken and believe we had an awesome worship experience, but I don't do ministry for any of that. I would preach if I never received a dime....... and I would serve God's people and still anticipate Sunday mornings if my name was never called or applauded. Like Christ, I thrive on doing the will of the Lord!

Thank God anniversaries come only once a year...... I can't wait to preach Sunday!


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