Saturday, May 3, 2008

Know Thier Role

Greetings, everyone! In preparing to minister the Word of God this Sunday, I had an awesome thought....... Our greatest commodity is not money.... or time - it is PEOPLE!

If you don't believe me, check out the Tom Hanks movie Castaway. When the main character was stuck on that island, it did not matter how much money he had in the bank. Or what his social status was. The sad reality is that he almost died because of a lack of relationship. This point was amplified by the fact that his life was saved by an imaginary friend - a volleyball with a happy face drawn on it!

May is the month in which we celebrate Mother's Day - the holiday we set aside to honor our mothers. Moms are a great example of how God places key people into our lives to motivate, encourage, mentor, and even correct us. These special relationships - or "God Connections" - are what God uses to develop us and prepare us for destiny.

Though it is different for each individual, your God connections might include your spouse, parents, pastor, elementary school teacher, a coach, neighbor, or even your enemy. They all are on divine assignment to push you to your next level. So many times, we take these key people for granted, but we must learn to appreciate them and praise God for them, for without them life would be empty. B-Blessed!!!

Pastor Morris

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