Monday, January 26, 2009

It Doesn't Matter What They Think.....

We had an exceptional worship encounter at KHC yesterday. The Spirit of God was evident through song, giving, and the ministry of the Word. We were blessed to minister from the subject "I'm Anointed for This", dealing with the David being anointed king.

If you watch the text, it seems that David's family didn't have a very high opinion of him. A prophet was coming to their house (at this time the visit of a prophet was a big deal) and everyone was invited to the feast.... except David. David was left to tend to the sheep. Yet in this sequence of events, we discover that it didn't really matter what the family thought of David - it only mattered what God thought of him! The Bible says that the anointing oil would not flow until David was in his right spot. Glory to God!!!!

This is a liberating Word, because too many of us stress ourselves out trying to convince other people that we belong.... that we matter..... that they should like us. Yet the story of David highlights the fact that our destinies cannot be thwarted because of the opinions of people - what God has for us is for us regardless of what others think or say.

Here is my challenge to you - move out of the shadow of the opinions and criticisms of others. Strive to dwell under the shadow of the Almighty God who will elevate you (or demote you) according to His own good pleasure. Don't spend your life trying to please people....... strive to please God!

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