Saturday, May 26, 2007

Value Your Friends!

My grandfather once told me that I would be very blessed if I had 5 good friends in the span of a lifetime. At the time, I didn't really believe him. I was a teenager and I thought that if people were willing to hang out with me, then they must be my friend. I was terribly mistaken! The fact is that leeches love to hang around you, too........ as long as you have some blood that they can suck from you! Some people who appear to have your back really just hang around for their own benefit.

A profitable friend is one who enhances you... adds to your life.... and you look around and discover that your life is better and you are a better person because they are in your life. Proverbs 27:6 says "Faithful are the wounds of a friend, But the kisses of an enemy are deceitful." Your friends are not always the ones who sing your praises and pat you on the back; friends are those who tell you the truth about yourself at the risk of offending you. They are those who forsake your ill advised schemes and ventures in order to stand for what is right and godly.

Here is my challenge to you: Ask God to reveal to you your true friends. Then ask God to show you how to minister to them as they minister to you. Once you have these people identified, praise God for them and be sure to let them know just how much they mean to you.

I have a very short list of friends who challenge me, correct me, and ultimately love me...... my friends are my wife, my mentors, my mother, my grandparents, and some awesome supporters at KHC and all over the state and country who embrace me when I'm discouraged and cheer me on when I'm on the mountain top. I love you and I want you to know that you all have a special place in my heart and spirit. B-Blessed!

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