Monday, May 28, 2007

Happy Memorial Day

Happy Memorial Day, People of God! I pray that you have a blessed time spending time with family, eating BBQ and finishing up on those unfinished projects around the house. LOL!

Memorial Day is significant to us as a nation, because it is a special time that we set aside to honor all of the brave men and women in the United State Armed Forces who give their life for the protection of our nation. No matter how you feel about the political ramifications of our current conflict in Iraq, our brave soldiers deserve our honor, respect, and support. Let's pray for their continued protection!

Memorial Day is also very significant to me personally, because it is one of several days throughout the year when I pause to reflect and remember all of the couragious men and women of God who have transitioned from this life to eternal reward. I am speaking of the countless Kingdom men and women, who impacted my life through their obedience to the voice of God.

Mark 14:3 - 8 recounts the story of a woman who anointed the head of Christ with some very costly and precious oil. With the exception of Christ, the people in the room were indignant and thought this woman's act was a waste of precious oil that could have been sold for a healthy sum of money. Christ rebukes their indignation and makes a very profound prediction in v. 9 - he said, "Assuredly, I say to you, wherever this gospel is preached in the whole world, what this woman has done will also be told as a memorial to her."

Like this woman, I have several deceased relatives, friends, and people of faith whose stories are not told in scripture, but their testimonies are a memorial unto them and is a sweet smelling savor in the nostrols of God. They did very simple things in their lives that made a tremendous impact in my life and in the Kingdom. You may be able to relate to this as well. For you, perhaps it was a great-grandmother, grandmother, fellow church member, pastor, teacher, or someone that you can't even recall their name - but they made a definite impact on your life by encouraging you when you were down, correcting you when you were wrong, praying for you when you were living in sin, or letting you know that you could do anything in life if you kept God first.

Remember these soldiers who served in a heavenly army in the earth and are now worshipping the King of kings in a place where they will never grow old. B-Blessed!!!

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